General Description
The Officer Council consists of the officers of OAESD. These are the Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair of the OAESD Board and President, President-Elect, and Past President of the OAESD Superintendents’ Council. The term of office for the officers shall be one year in each role. Any officer may be elected to no more than two successive terms. The Chair-Elect and President-Elect succeeds the Chair and President, respectively. The term expiration for the Chair will be in odd numbered years and for the President in even numbered years. Past practice has been for each ESD Board to have the opportunity to nominate a candidate for the position of Chair-Elect and for each member ESD superintendent to have the opportunity to nominate a candidate for President-Elect.
The nomination and election timeline for 2025 will be as follows:
- November – December – Local Boards may nominate eligible members of their own or other ESD boards for Chair-Elect. Superintendents may nominate themselves or other ESD Superintendents for President-Elect. Nominations will be turned in to the OAESD Executive Director no later than December 31st.
- January – February – Local Boards will cast their votes for Chair-Elect. Superintendents will cast their votes for President Elect. Results will be turned in to the OAESD Executive Director no later than February 28th.
- March – The results of the election(s) will be announced on March 7th. Newly elected officers may join meetings and events in a non-voting capacity for the remainder of the 2024-25 year.
- July – New officers will begin in the role. Official duties will begin on July 1, 2025. They may shadow Legislative Committee meetings and Officer Council meetings during the 2025 spring.
Bylaw Language Pertaining to the Officer Council
The Officers Council is charged with implementing the purposes of OAESD, including but not limited to:
- Creating a job description, recruiting, interviewing and hiring of the Executive Director to administer the effective implementation of the purposes of OAESD.
- Entering into and administering the employment contract for the Executive Director.
- Conducting an annual review of the Executive Director and report the results of the review to the Governance Council. The President-Elect shall facilitate such annual review.
- Dismissal or non-renewal of the contract for the Executive Director.
- Interviewing and hiring of the Director of Government Relations.
- Entering into and administering the employment contract for the Director of Government Relations.
- Conducting an annual review of the Director of Government Relations. The President-Elect shall facilitate such annual review.
- Dismissal or non-renewal of the Director of Government Relations.
- Advising the Executive Director in contracting with member ESDs for fiscal, website and executive secretary services, and other administrative services necessary to carry out the functions of OAESD.
- Advising the Executive Director in developing an annual work plan, including communication strategies, for OAESD to provide priorities for the Association.
- Advising the Executive Director in creating an annual schedule of meetings and other events.
- Advising the Executive Director in creating a proposed annual budget for OAESD
- Advising the Executive Director in planning Association conferences and workshops.
- Advising the Executive Director in developing agendas, call, publicize, chair and arrange for minutes to be taken for all official OAESD meetings of the OAESD Governance Council.
- The President-Elect shall serve as Chair of the Legislative Committee.
- The Chair-Elect shall serve as OAESD Representative to the Ex-Officio position on the OSBA Board of Directors.
Current Members of the Officer Council:
- Dan Goldman, Superintendent, Northwest Regional ESD, President
- Will Cahill, Board Member, Lake ESD, Chair
- Tony Scurto, Superintendent, Lane ESD, Past President
- Jill Conant, Board Member, Malheur ESD, Past Chair
- Penny Fender, Superintendent, North Central ESD, President-Elect
- Anna Ali, Board Member, Willamette ESD, Chair-Elect