General Description
The Superintendent Council consists of the superintendent from each member ESD. An ESD superintendent is elected to serve as OAESD President-Elect before becoming President and then Past-President serving one year in each position. The President, President-Elect and Past-President also serve on the OAESD Officers Council. The OAESD President presides over the meetings of the Superintendent Council.
The focus of the Superintendent Council is on common management, operational and program issues which individual member ESDs are facing. The Council is also responsible for multi-ESD or statewide priorities and initiatives and collaborates with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) in such programs. The OAESD Program Cabinet, a standing committee of the Council, acts as the liaison to ODE and COSA in the development and implementation of these common initiatives.
The Superintendent Council generally meets four times per year: a “retreat” in late September or early October; January; March; and, June, although other meetings may be called, as necessary. The meetings have historically been held in person with electronic participation available for superintendents not able to travel or attend in person.
Currently, the OAESD President is Dan Goldman, Superintendent, Northwest Regional ESD. The Past-President is Tony Scurto, Superintendent, Lane ESD.